Falcon and Crossbones go after some corrupt cops in the Point Blank trailer

With its generically hollow title, last used domestically in a 1988 Mickey Rourke vehicle, it’s not hard to guess that Point Blank is a straight-to-streaming, A-lister-free action-thriller. But you can blame the French for at least part of that.

Point Blank is a remake of the 2010 French film of the same name. The latest play on the normal-guy-gets-pulled-into-badass-dude’s-action plot (next to be seen in Stuber), the movie sees Anthony Mackie as a nurse whose pregnant wife is kidnapped and held for ransom. The ransom? Breaking convict Frank Grillo out of the hospital (again?). Things spiral out of control, and the two end up facing down gangs of criminals and corrupt cops.

The title should obviously be Discharge (it works for hospitals, guns, and pregnancy, sort of!), but fine. Stick with Point Blank when you toss this on Netflix July 12.

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