Thanos has a ton of horse blood on his hands, too

When Thanos snaps his fingers in Avengers: Infinity War, he completes his incredibly specific bucket list goal of wiping out half the life in the universe. But what with gods driving axes into his chest and all, he never really gets around to explaining whether he’s talking all life or just the sentient, higher life forms most would consider the real burden. Was part of his half-baked plan’s purpose not to let the fauna thrive; to let wild horses run free, at last liberated from 50% of their saddles? Apparently not. Thanos could not give a shit about the horses—nor any other living thing, for that matter.

Speaking to Birth.Movies.Death., Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige just confirmed as much. Asked, “Are half the animals dead? Are half of the horses gone? Half of the ants?” he replied, “Yes! Yes. All life.”

Please help these sad nobodies and: